
Showing posts from August, 2013

My post is over

Hello! I am now finished my work term with the Recycling Council of Alberta, and I'm feeling great. The final presentations went well, our work was well received and maybe event helped! But I have learned an amazing amount about the world of recycling, and for that I couldn't be happier. Everyone at the RCA is great, and I like them so much I'm going to volunteer at their yearly conference here in Calgary in October! So I'm excited to have made such a great contact at a wonderful Non-Profit Organization. And of course becoming Mr. Oil Drop was an experience I will never forget...

Internet Inspirations

I've been browsing a lot of environmentally themed pages on Facebook and they have some amazing stuff on there. I'll share some with you, because they're really smart, and I just want a record of it so I can put them into use later! this is a link to an aqua-ponic system that works in conjunction with your fresh water aquarium. It uses the fish waste to promote healthy plant growth in a plot on top of the aquarium. Genius. s: And also this: Those were both from Trust me I'm an Eco-designer at which is a great page for cool ideas and thoughts. Give a Shit About Nature (GASAN) is also sweet. I bought a shirt from them, and twenty trees were planted because of it! (the white is a bit see-through though) But really soft!

Pipeline propaganda

For those who support pipelines because it would create jobs, the truth is that there are more jobs in the recycling industry than the auto or oil industry. These jobs are permanent, secure and environmentally conscious, unlike those of the oil industry which harm the environment, deplete resources and cause health issues across the province. Harper is gung-ho for stimulating the economy, but sometimes stopping destruction of the ecosystem and nature might be more important than creating jobs. In my opinion that would garner a more important longer term environmental security in North America. This is what Harper said recently in response to Obama's reluctance to build the Keystone Pipeline. "The perspective of this government is very clear, it is very well-known by everyone in Washington, I think. And that is — first of all, our number 1 priority in Canada is the creation of jobs — this is a project that will create jobs on both sides of the border, and it...