
Showing posts from July, 2014

Love to Recycle?

I attend events for a living. I talk to people, and try to educate them. I tell them about recycling, and what our containers turn into when they're recycled. It's a laid back and fun job, but often it is disheartening. Most people aren't interested in learning, only lured in by our giveaways. It's so hard to truly get through to them, to change their behavior. Recycling is at the forefront of our awareness these days. It is the most famous R; reduce and reuse haven't quite caught on. To me recycling should be the last resort when dealing with our waste. But as we live in a world diminated by convenience and single use products, reducing and reusing aren't really options. Recycling is the easiest and most widely applicable, and that is why it is gaining the most popularity. Almost every municipality has its own recycling facility, and they can vary substancially.  In Edmonton for example they have an Integrated Processing and Transfer facility that receives the...