Waste free journey- small scale
I can talk about large lofty ideals, an upheaval of the current unsustainable systems. But this massive change cannot happen independantly. It needs to be made up of the efforts of dedicated individuals who take matters into their own hands. The consumer has more sway than most believe. If we are prepared, proactive and consciencious of our impacts, we can make the right decisions to start removing single use waste from our lives. Some steps are easier than others, and the best ones to start with include bringing reusable items with you to eliminate the need for disposable single use objects of convenience. If you bring a mug with you everywhere you'll never need to buy coffee in a cup. Sames goes for plastic bags, reusable utensils, water bottle. I even bring a reusable tupperware so I don't need to ask for a to-go container (which are sadly most often still styrofoam!) Living in a consumerist society it is difficult to escape the entrapments of convenience. Nearly everyth...