More tips!

  • Unplug electronics after you're done using them: chargers, kettles, coffee machines, etc.
  • Try regrowing some food from kitchen scraps. Celery and lettuce can regrow simply by placing them in a cup of water on a windowsill. More on that here.
  • Collect rain water in a barrel attached to your eave strophe  and use it for watering your garden and lawn. And only water in the early morning when it's cool and the water wont evaporate
  • Try biking somewhere once a week. Either to school, work or running a close errand. Cutting back on our dependence on vehicles can reduce harmful chemicals like carbon monoxide, sulfur and nitrous-oxides from being released into the atmosphere.
  • Switch to low flow shower heads, low flush toilets to save water. switch to efficient electronics and light bulbs (or simply turn them off!) to save on electricity, which is generated mostly by coal here in Alberta. (yucky)
  • Keeping curtains closed at night will act as a layer of insulation, keeping your house warmer throughout the night
  • Bring reusable containers to restaurants with you to put your leftovers in. (This may seem like a freak move, but though I got weird looks I persevered because I knew I was doing a good thing by the environment!)


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