Ambassador Andrea
The other day I had a job interview with Recycling Council of Alberta (click it to find out more) to be a summer ambassador, educating the public and industries about recycling and waste minimization. I was incredibly stoked on the job, everything about it excited me. So during the interview which was housed at Weeds cafe, I poured out my environmental soul just slightly. I even brought my 'i recycle' mug :)
A few hours after my interview I receive an email from them, offering me the job! I was so happy I did a little dance! This is an amazing opportunity to really learn about the nitty gritty recycling reality here in Alberta. And better yet I get to use this knowledge to help other people learn, and help spread the knowledge and the message that we as a society can be accountable for our waste and do our part to live a sustainable existence.
So ya. Expect to learn a lot more about recycling and waste minimization as I use this blog as a medium to spread my knowledge!
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