The bathroom
The bathroom is a place where a lot of waste is generated, and harmful chemicals are used. If we can alter our behaviors though, we can make the bathroom a much friendlier place!
Cleaners: The harsh chemicals in your cleaners can have significant health and environmental effects. When we wash these cleaners down our drains it runs the risk that they won't be effectively removed from the water, and released back into our rivers. Most of these crazy cleaning chemicals aren't even necessary. There's a lot of cleaning products you can make from household products, for less money!
Cleaners: The harsh chemicals in your cleaners can have significant health and environmental effects. When we wash these cleaners down our drains it runs the risk that they won't be effectively removed from the water, and released back into our rivers. Most of these crazy cleaning chemicals aren't even necessary. There's a lot of cleaning products you can make from household products, for less money!
- Dish soap and vinegar is a great soap scum buster and all around multi-purpose cleaner. Simply mix one part dish soap and two parts vinegar and dilute with one or two parts water depending on your desired strength. This product leaves things smelling vinegary but if you add some essential oils (I like lemon or lavender) it creates a pleasant natural smell.
- Baking soda and vinegar is a great toilet bowl cleaner and stuck on gunk remover. simply sprinkle baking soda and pour vinegar over top. The chemical reaction takes away scum!
- glass cleaner: Mix 1/8 cup of vinegar to 1/4 Tablespoon cornstarch and 1/2 Quart of warm water. This make for a wonderful streak-free glass cleaner. Use a crumpled newspaper for a lint free finish.
For more cleaning formulas, click here
Use reusable cloths rather than paper towels (or at least reuse them! you'd be surprised how much you can get out of one). Don't buy swiffer refill products, instead buy a machine washable head for your broom that you can reuse!
It's no secret we produce much more waste than our male counter parts. Be it make up pads and cleansing products, our monthly mess, or just the fact that we have to wipe every time we go, we end up producing considerable waste. Luckily there are ways to reduce our impacts!
It's no secret we produce much more waste than our male counter parts. Be it make up pads and cleansing products, our monthly mess, or just the fact that we have to wipe every time we go, we end up producing considerable waste. Luckily there are ways to reduce our impacts!
- Try using reusable make up pads. I personally make (and sell, if anyone is interested!) machine washable crocheted makeup pads. They're good for removing makeup, applying cleansers and exfoliating. And the best part is you just throw them in your laundry when they're dirty, and reuse them over, and over, and over! You'll save money, not having to buy packs of cotton pads every few weeks.
- buy natural hand made bar soap rather than liquid soap. When it's done you have nothing to throw away. but liquid soap bottles are plastic and often not even recyclable.
- Try and use less tp. I know sometimes it's necessary but you'd be surprised how little you really need, if you buy two ply. Also, buy 100% post consumer recycled or atleast sustainably forested. Buying bigger packs means less plastic and less transport trips, less energy used.
- Try using cardboard tampons rather than plastic ones. Plastic is after all a petroleum product and we need to cut back!
- If you're more adventurous or passionate about reducing your bathroom footprint, you could purchase a diva cup. What it is is a latex free silicone cup that you fold up and stick up there. It collects and you only need to empty it once a day! No chance of TSS, and the best part is no waste. Simply wash it out with warm water and gentle soap. (Though that may be awkward if in a public bathroom...)
A good tip for saving water associated with flushing the toilet is to fill a water bottle with water and place it in the tank. This will take up space and so less water will be flushed away!
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