It's been a while since I posted but I've been pretty busy. Training week with Recycling Council of Alberta was busy and informative. We partner with Alberta Used Oil Recycling (AUOMA) and Alberta Recycling (ARMA) for education events across the province, and partner with the Beverage Container Management Board (BCMB) for some research projects across the province. So the week was full of meetings and tours of various facilities. And it was pretty eye opening. The craziest tour was of GEEP facility (Global Electric Electronic Processing) where their state of the art machinery allows them to accept any type of electronic device, ranging from computers, tvs to keyboards and toasters. It was crazy to see the immensity of the amount of 'waste' they receive. They even get brand new TVs and motor bikes that weren't sold and they have to destroy them. It definitely says something about consumerism. We're just lucky that recycling is economically viable for most products, otherwise no one would!

So remember kids! Don't throw your electronics in the trash! They have precious metals and other valuable parts in them, not to mention can be toxic to the environment. Instead; take the e-waste to a drop of location near you! Future shops and Staples stores will most likely have electronic drop of bins, or at your local landfill they will have an area reserved for e-waste.


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