Spring is here!

It's May 3rd today, and it's my 22nd birthday! I'm quite happy because it is sunny and warm outside and I was able to plant some basil seeds in a big pot. I bought some green leafy vegs as well and am asking for some garden supplies for my birthday from my parents. I am so excited to start the venture of growing my own food. My mom has an amazing garden in their back yard and working in it every summer has got me spoiled. Once I get my own place I am decking the backyard out into a glorious garden paradise. But we all gotta start somewhere, so this year I will be doing rectangle railing pots for a select few herbs and spinach plants. I also plan on planting our used green onion that has been hanging out with the cellery in a water glass on the window sill. It's roots-or rhysomes-  have been growing after two weeks and I think he'll be able to be transplanted outside soon. I'll never have to buy green onions ever again!

I bought lettuce with roots still attached and am hoping to transplant it outside once it gets warmer.

This is the progression of growth of a green onion. the roots grow so long just in water. Super low maintenance for a constant supply! Just plant those suckers once the roots are about an inch or two long. And remember! Always buy organic because it will determine the quality of later green onion.


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