1) Be prepared! If you know you're going shopping, bring your reusable bags. If you're going to buy coffee, bring your own mug. There wouldn't be a need for so much disposable one time waste, which fills our landfills needlessly, if we planned ahead and utilized reusable materials. 2)Everyone should have a water filter either attached to the tap or a britta pitcher. It will filter the hardness and chemicals like sulfate, chloride and calcium out of the water, resulting in better tasting and purer water than bottled water. In my opinion bottled water is the stupidest product ever. Bottling tap water into plastic bottles, transporting it and selling it, is highly unsustainable and a waste of resources. If we all brought our own reusable water bottles with us, we could save a lot of needless waste and energy. 3) If you're like me and have leaky taps, a good interim solution is to collect that water and use it. I place my britta filter under the tap over night, and it p...
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