Seedlings and sprouts

One day I would love to have a garden like my mom's here. My dad helped make these individual plots which yeild massive amounts of spinach, carrots peas beans and kale. Growing up with the luxury of a huge garden has taught me the importance of growing your own food, controlling how it is grown and cultivated. It helps take a load off of large scale agriculture and is a much better use of land than grass.

two months later this garden now looks like this:

So now that I've got my own place I decided to start my own little garden this spring. We got some seeds from the gardening store, some dirt and started planting. We started some chili plants from seed by germinating them in plastic bags and a few weeks later they've sprouted! Super excited for these but the season my be too short for fruit.

Here is my sprouted celery butt I've had in a glass of water on my window sill for a few weeks. It grew some roots so I decided to plant it and see how it goes.

And my lettuce is sprouting!

Here are our two tomato plants, broccoli and a strawberry. Unfortunately that delicious strawberry was stolen-probably by a cat.
Planted a little herb box. Hammered  some holes in the bottom using a nail, because the oregano likes well drained soil, but the peppermint likes constant wetness. Good thing it's been raining for two weeks straight!

So I'm pretty stoked at how easy it was to get this all set up. I mean, they'll sell that stuff to anybody! And it only took one summer afternoon in the sun to get it all done. Time is a factor, but my impatience wasn't too bad during germination. Now I love going out and seeing what else has sprouted up! So in conclusion growing your own food is super easy and fun!


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