
This video is so powerful. I watched it and cried, even. David Suzuki is my role model, and he just has a way of explaining things so eloquently. I would strongly suggest you watch this video, and rethink the way things have to be.
Personally, my goal in life is to be removed from the grid, self sustaining and working with and alongside nature to create my own healthy ecosystem. It'll take a while to get there, as I have been born into this capitalist society, which has me following their rules. But every day I am making choices that bring my future closer. And you can too. Remember to think about the bigger picture, all the other organisms involved in each action. Buying disposable items, for instance, is dangerous; the waste may not be disposed of properly, ending up in the environment and into animals' paths. Countless animals have been hindered hurt and killed by the packaging we use for simple convenience. The price is too high, as plastic is so foreign nature can't degrade it. So this garbage sticks around, marring generations of life with a testament to our wasteful ways.
Once we free ourselves from plastic packaging (by bringing our own containers and bags, and shopping at smaller farmers markets) we are one step closer to leaving that world behind. The less we depend on the big Economy, the better off we will all be. The Economy is unsustainable and will eventually collapse, or else will undergo a major paradigm shift. Either way, if we are already doing the right things today, the rest of the world won't collapse tomorrow.


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