Eco home dreams

So my family has a property in the Nicola Valley in British Columbia, and it's basically off the grid. we only have a large propane tank that powers the lights the stove and the fridge. We have running water using a gravity system and we heat water on the stove. We have a pot belly stove to warm the cabin up, and that's  all. I really love it up there because it's an escape from the constant consumption of city life.
We actually have two plots of property, but only one is developed. My dream is to build an eco-home on the property, with wind turbines and solar panels, because up  there it is either sunny or windy. It could be sourced from nearby resources, perhaps naturally felled trees from the forest  on the other side of the dirt road.
I just found this great article on how to make your own wind turbine! I thinking the next summer or two I'll get all the skilled men in my life to help put it together, and start making a little dream home! It could have a greenhouse, and I've already started a compost pile up there so the soil quality will be good for growing veggies.
Niederauer Manor on Peter Hope Lake

Here is the compost pile we made from the slats of an old barrel and some re-bar hammered in the ground, then we covered it with a scrap of tin roofing.


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