New Job at the ABCRC

It's been a while, but now that my last full semester is over I have a bit more time!
I've started my new summer work term as part of my applied degree in environmental science.
I'm working as a Love to Recycle Ambassador with the Alberta Beverage Container Recycling Corporation. Our team members go out to various events as well as schools to educate the public and children about the importance of recycling beverage containers, and offering them resources to improve recycling infrastructure.
I'm very excited to be back in the recycling and education field, because I truly believe it to be an integral part in improving the culture around sustainable actions. Even on my second  day I've learnt so many things!

Here's a few of them:
Juiceboxes can be made into toilet paper!
water bottles can be turned into clothing!
Aluminum cans are turned back into cans, over and over again!

Among other information is this handy new website, lovetorecycle, where there are great support systems to connect organizations who want to recycle bottles with recycling resources to take the bottles away. These resources can be charitable efforts who take the proceeds of the refund to fund their socially concious projects. It is a very good idea and I think it will be a great step in the right direction!


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