Next Chapter

It's been a while since I've posted in here.

Mid October I landed a prized position at DIRTT.
A company I admired and studied in university.
As established DIRTTbags told me, it's like drinking from a fire hose. 
I was thrown into the throng and hit the ground running.
 Everywhere I looked there was something needed greening.
 But I was inexperienced and green myself, and I floundered.
The fire-hose kept firing and I was soon struggling to keep my head above water.

I won't go into more detail, but let's say that chapter of my life has since come to an end. At first I was distraught, caught unawares as the safety net of salary slipped away. But upon further reflection this new change of pace allowed for many opportunities to present themselves. Now I could dedicate time to commission painting, hiking, foraging, camping and cabining. I could enjoy my summer without the blanket of stress. I felt it was for the best.

Now, money has always been a teather. And without that IV drip, how could I survive? My parents were more upset than I was at the news. Their concern borne of love, but coming from a place of experience. In this society, the mark of success is a swollen salary. Affluence is influence.
But I can't help wanting to believe there can be another way. I just haven't found what it is yet.
More to come as I keep discovering!


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