Did you know the average hand help power tool is only used for 2 minutes before it's thrown away? It's bought for one project, then sits on a shelf for years. We need to develop a society based on borrowing instead of buying, reusing, creating, rather than simply consuming. We have more than enough useless crap on this planet, we should stop making more soon or else all our natural resources will have been converted to plastics and textiles which are useless to nature and will stick around for thousands of years. It isn't sustainable and one day it will become alarmingly clear. So we need to start weening ourselves off of materialism, slowly ease back on this consumerist behavior.

Buy thrift. Reuse plastic bags and saran wrap. make gifts rather than buying them. use reusable bottles and mugs. upcycle old furniture and knick-knacks. start a window garden. bring reusable bags everywhere you go. bring your own reusable food container to a restaurant for your doggy bag. There's so many small things we can do to break free of that cycle of consumerism. And if enough of us make small changes it will amount to significant reduction in needless waste; prolonging the life of our landfills and reducing waste management costs.


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