This past weekend was a GASAN event called global litter pick up. It yielded great results, inspiring people across north America to go out and clean up their favorite natural areas and remove the litter. I picked up a bunch of litter on my vacation, anytime I went walking in a natural area and saw litter I picked it up. It really feels good to know you put an end to that weary piece of litter's winding journey. And with enough people taking the effort to take back our natural places from the carelessness of others, a big difference can be made. We need a culture shift, a mass education on the effects of our this disposable direction. Here is what me and my boyfriend collected from the side of highway 1 in BC last week. 9 bottles of antifreeze/car oil/winshield fluid, two paint cans. one trailer strap. one arbage can. 1 egg carton, 2 4l milk jugs ( probably old pee jugs) 15 recyclable beverage containers, one sexy calendar, 2 dirty diapers, 5 coffee cups and a mandarin ...